

Judy's blogs from 2013 to 2019 may also be viewed at https://judyfraser1.wordpress.com/

  • Growth of wisdom

     Master Peter Deunov said, ‘Place kindness as the foundation of your life, justice as its measure, wisdom as its boundary, love as its delight and truth as its light’. Kindness, justice, love, wisdom and truth – by practicing these five virtues we will develop harmoniously morally and spiritually.   And it is also necessary to know how these virtues relate to our physical body, as well as to our psychic bodies. Kindness is linked to the legs, justice to the hands, love to the mouth, wisdom to the ears and truth to the eyes. And truth belongs to the spirit, love to the soul, wisdom to the mind, … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • Frenetic or free?

    Frenetic energy is ungrounded, chaotic and unfocused. Frenetic energy can pull us off balance and will subsequently enable re-focus if we allow it to enter into our consciousness. Have you ever been around someone who is in a chaotic state? It is easy to feel drained afterwards when we are. Few are an example of calm in the midst of chaos. These people are able to maintain a detached and focused state in order to help those that are in a dramatic situation and unable to help themselves at that time. If they allow the frenetic energy to pull them off balance, there is no one that can help the … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • What is Goodwill?

    If it is the will of the Greater, we will not, and cannot fully understand the implications all at one go.  We need to surrender all, identify with the higher worlds as best we can and dedicate ourselves to what is required as best we are able. We aspire toward fellowship and unity as effectively as we can.  The shadows of the darkness and old energy are all around us and we are watching them being fought by society in totally different ways. There is an overall feeling that Human Beings collectively desire equality, comfortable lives, fairness, good quality of living and integrity of … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • Wisdom and courage in the service of all

    Do we have the willingness to face the shadows that guard each gate of wisdom?  Can we be relatively calm in the face of every challenge we meet? The wise soul knows that we die many times within our lives (child to adult, adult to elder and so on)  As we do move from one stage to another we shed the ‘clothes’ that no longer fit at all levels of being, as do all others involved.  We retain what we need in order to serve and discard all else.  Unwittingly we keep within us the imprint of the last time we met an earthmoving incident.  As we meet a situation that shakes us profoundly we recall … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

    1 Comment

    Following on from the equinox and the eclipses many people experienced feelings of limitation.   We may have felt disempowered even depressed as a result.  Depression results from the repression of creative energy which is now seeking an outlet, so it helps us to recollect and recognise where we are now rather than where we once were.  The lower depressed states of consciousness have been easily observable both from within our own lives and through collective states that proved newsworthy.  We have no choice but to understand that we are not in control of our life at a human level, and life … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • Are you finding your way up the mountain?

    Finally a great deal is coming to an end this month.  And, we can sense the new but we do not understand the implications of it as yet, as it involves both individual and collective changes.  This transition often represents as a time of high tension and low vitality as we must wait in the void until the green light shows, only then can we take our official next step forward.  The traffic lights seem to have been on red then amber for a long time but now the game has changed and so has our involvment within it.  This month we may have taken a last look back prior to the old door closing … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.



    Oneness embraces all that is.  If we have been feeling isolated, rejected, abandoned and insecure then we have not let go of old experiences and old issues.  As a result we have a mis-aligned line of energy which is in need of repair or replacement prior to our ‘appliance’ or energy body being able to work effectively once more.  Old energy has us trying to  decide who we are now and as a result we often separate ourselves from others.  We get categorized and subsequently put in groups.  These groups are now being mixed up and  are changing form.  As we part from … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.


    Happy New Year to you and yours.  And, thank you for your support.  If you would like to make comments then please do so.  Your opinion is welcomed especially when there are so many talking their talk rather than walking their talk!  We are aware that many of you who have studied for years are involved in some major and worthwhile activities these days so please don’t be reticent about coming forward and saying so and letting others know about them.  We are all being shifted into our new positions on the Earth and others only find you if you are available to be found!

    Over the run up to … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.


    May your Christmas be all you wish for, and may the year ahead be blessed for you and all those you love.

    It was Nelson Mandela who said in an interview “There is a force in the universe - call it God, Spirituality or whatever you like - that wants the victory of truth and justice.  This force will help you if you are steady, humble, brave and patient. Never give up however bad things get”

    In our human state on Earth we understand that one chapter of our living experience gives way, to enable another new chapter to enter in.  When youngsters leave their home to make their own way in … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.


    We are meeting a fork in the road, both individually and collectively. One fork leads to self-destruction, misery, despair and hopelessness.  The other to a deeper connection with the inter dimensional or spiritual nature.  The roads merge again in the fullness of time and then they are able to unite in common purpose. The big decision is which fork holds the priority position for us. Is it the pursuit of our soul path, or material self-interest?  Do we work in the long term interests of the groups to whom we are attached or put ourselves first and foremost.  Are we a part of the cast of the … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

Latest post from ReadNOW

  • Our New Era

    The Spring Equinox gives us the opportunity to ask the question: who am I and what is my place in the world in the coming era? We need to let go of what it was and so take full responsibility for what is happening in our lives now. No speculating what might be happening in the future, that only fragments us and as a result we loose our centre. We can create and accept change and let go of what is no longer serving us, as we surrender to life's flow but we must choose that to enable it. Nature has become unpredictable, and because we are a part of nature, we are also feeling this … more

    Posted in ReadNOW

Latest post from Judy's blog

  • Trust the process

    Trust the process ........


    Now we somehow find the final push of energy we need to get to the end of the year. For many of us it has been a wobbly few weeks so this moon is coming at the perfect time to ground us, and help us to keep ramming through those obstacles and blockages.   The easiest way to is to surrender to the reality of any situation and do what feels best for you.  We have had illuminated to us that life is a mixture of both pain and pleasure in equal measure. It is up to us to decide which perspective we choose to focus on. When we can accept the duality of this thing and … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

Latest post from ThirdAid

  • Making a new sound by Cumie Dunio Amengual

    What a gift to be able to look back upon a past experience from a new height of understanding and love.  This usually also means that any future reminders or similar challenges can be met with a much more fluid grace and ease - and perhaps even a smile, from knowing that you can handle it or knowing that it won't even be an issue.  My "knowing" is part due to the help from Judy Fraser and her Second Aid.  Now I can help inspire others in a tough spot by sharing my story.

    10 years can include many things...  In my case, they included divorce, a rapid move to a new continent, later marrying … more

    Posted in ThirdAid