

Growth of wisdom

Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

 Master Peter Deunov said, ‘Place kindness as the foundation of your life, justice as its measure, wisdom as its boundary, love as its delight and truth as its light’. Kindness, justice, love, wisdom and truth – by practicing these five virtues we will develop harmoniously morally and spiritually.   And it is also necessary to know how these virtues relate to our physical body, as well as to our psychic bodies. Kindness is linked to the legs, justice to the hands, love to the mouth, wisdom to the ears and truth to the eyes. And truth belongs to the spirit, love to the soul, wisdom to the mind, kindness to the heart and justice to the will. 
It is time to surrender ourselves from the past and to release ourselves from bondage...one binding at a time.  We are realizing this now in an experience-based way.  This has become the new way to deal with challenges.  Some of us have always learned through going deep into experiences, others observe and theorize so their experience backs up within them.  Experiences have to be processed and then released.  We take in the essence deep into our being and release all else.  When we learn to do this we are always true and present within the depths of our being.
Our heart and mind must balance prior to moving to a new level.  First we swing from side to side, eventually the sides work themselves to a mid point of balance.  This is our springboard to move to our new level.  Natural growth for our bio- mechanism evolves as all things do, into ever more subtle forms of manifestation.  The electromagnetic forces that lead us have changed.  The electric forces lead us from the more  invisible realms, this translates to the Earth Mother who begins to administer and organize the new ways of being that we are to be exposed to and which will lead us on.
It is the time to connect to unlimited love of all people and things.  The mind delineates and shows what is for us, and what is for another.  Not in a competitive sense but to compliment all.  To gain trust and have the elasticity to surrender all that is no longer appropriate and accept that we have to move into emptiness to gain fullness in the passage of time.  We must stay open minded and not conclude the way things should be.  We have to take the vast information that surrounds us and deal with what the conscious mind can access. This is why it is important to stay open-minded, so our unconscious can relay information to the conscious mind more easily. 
If we are successful in cleansing and clearing old emotions then we are able to let go of our need to control or manipulate circumstances and just work with what is, rather than what we think might work to a higher standard.  When we empty out the old we can regain our association to magic and beauty beyond what we might have imagined possible.  Nothing is ‘bad’ it is more what we do with ‘what is’ that makes the outcome good or bad.  If we think one thing and do another we live a lie.  Much better we just admit what we consider our weaknesses to be, apply realistic boundaries, avoid nothing and get on with living.  We become unhealthy when we ‘stuff’ our anger, frustration and whatever else remain inside of us and as a result we become sick.
Universal guidelines say we make a space, cleanse that space before there is the possibility of the new entering in.
We now are moving toward the updated upgraded connections with more ease and  so we can begin to see the potential for the future.  Easy, when we perceive things to be good but much harder in the midst of chaos, yet out of chaos comes new order.  To be a more detached observer is something we learn, preferably prior to the chaotic times!  The building of personal empowerment improves the transition process.  We are not in charge of major world change but we can be responsible, focused, peace filling and ‘light’ in our touching of life, that way we don’t get in the way of anything or anyone.  Focus on love, fairness and the abundance of love and joy within the self and surrounding us and those we care for and associate with.  Ride the crest of the wave rather than sinking down to the depths. 
When the new impulses are received we know deep within us that something is happening. As Eileen Caddy said  “Cease struggling against your circumstances; that is what causes disharmony in your lives and stops you from advancing along the spiritual path. Keep very open and very flexible, with an ever-listening ear, so you can hear the slightest whisper at any time and act upon it without hesitation. Never expect anyone else to tell you where you ought to be, seek your own course in life, by seeking divine guidance. By being still, and seeking in the silence, there will be no conflict in you, and you will find you will blend in perfectly with the whole, and you will find that inner peace which is a sure sign that you are in contact with the Greater Good”  At a spiritual level we surrender all, intellectually we begin to understand, emotionally we start to adjust and physically we need appreciation of all that is, grateful to be a part.  If we let go of our idea of what we consider to be ‘good’ or conversely ‘bad’ we begin to take responsibility for what is now occurring.  People can support but they cannot do it for us.  Perhaps they criticize, condemn and ridicule our efforts, if they do they are trying to live vicariously rather than for themselves.  Forgive and bless them as we get on with our own lives.  Get involved participate and choose to thrive.  It takes courage but who wants to live with complacency!

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