

Contents tagged with Darryl


    the KA course Experiential Training in Knowga Yoga facilitation.i-SKY certified - accredited as a Yoga Alliance Professionals 200 hour Foundation Course.

    Begins with an online introduction facilitated by Guru Dharam with Darryl & Livtar Llyn 24-26 January 2025

    KNOWGA: Everything is, was and will be – the ever changing is our awareness of that reality. Kundalini is the energy of awareness. Knowga is a Gathering in awareness. 

    Knowga resonates in the “space between”; it is in the innate awareness and alignment of body, emotion, mind and spirit; “Right Action : Right Reaction”

    This 200+ hour … ...

    Find out more and book

  • Experiential Training in KNOWGA Yoga facilitation.

    i-SKY certified - accredited as a Yoga Alliance Professionals 200 hour Foundation Course.

    KNOWGA: Everything is, was and will be – the ever changing is our awareness of that reality.Kundalini is the energy of awarenessKnowga is a Gathering in awareness.Knowga resonates in the “space between”; it is in the innate awareness and alignment of body, emotion, mind and spirit; “Right Action : Right Reaction”

    This 200+ hour KNOWGA Yoga Facilitation course comprises online/in person instruction, lecture, practice and tutorial and additional home … more


  • Experiential Training in Kundalini Yoga for the Aquarian Age (Yoga Alliance Professionals Foundation Course) (Yoga Alliance - KRI Certified Level 1 Course)

    Our comprehensive 220+ hour Kundalini Yoga Instructor course comprises 180 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of home study (which exceeds the current Yoga Alliance (USA) standards) and also leads to membership of Yoga Alliance Professionals (UK) - "raising standards of yoga teaching worldwide".

    “Today's Teachers need to question Piscean sources and explore Aquarian solutions.”

    Upcoming K1 courses    

    i-SKY Local websites … more


  • Online One to One consultations and support calls PCC & PSG

    One To One online calls with Guru Dharam or Darryl may be booked using the drop down box below.  

    PSG information can be found here


    PCC Post Course online Calls

    We expect our students to find their course to be a transformational process and that the support and connection with their peer group will be an integral part of "keeping up".

    Past students have found it particularly challenging to keep up after the end of the course - as the transition from student to teacher (and perhaps from old to new you) is completed without that reassuring and recurring monthly group space in which to … ...

    Find out more and book

  • Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training - Bajkowa Zagroda, Warsaw. Poland

    International Level 2 Teacher Training in Kundalini Yoga

    25 January - 9 June 2024  Bajkowa Zagroda / Poland

    We invite you to the International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (certified by KRI - Kundalini Research Institute) in Bajkowa Zagroda near Warsaw.

    The course will be taught in English and conducted by teachers of the British i-SKY school, in the spirit of service, acceptance and freedom, for the benefit of the community of practitioners.

    Lively, direct contact with charismatic teachers in an intimate group that allows for safety and, at the same time, a very deep understanding … ...

    Find out more and book



    RENEW TO BE YOU New Year Retreat at Ufton Court, Reading, UK.

    RENEW TO BE YOU (30th December 2024 – 1st January 2025)

    an i-SKY reunion event showcasing the exciting innovative work of past alumni

    featuring a Guru Dharam masterclass

    and an introduction to Knowga with Darryl

    Guru Dharam & Darryl will be present throughout the retreat


    This event replaces our regular student led New Year Retreat (as there are no current local students*)

    * i-SKY courses at the Ufton Court UK “mothership” were paused … ...

    Find out more and book

  • Judy Fraser & Darryl O'Keeffe paused SAcred Tours indefinitely in 2001 considering what form they might now take in this time of change.

    The "meditation templates" of several earlier SAcred Tours remain available for download as "virtual tours".

    These were originally intended for travellers to complete an actual tour at a different time to the group, and may still be used in this way, but increasingly they are now being used to deliver the energetic process within a virtual tour - without leaving home.

    Travel well. more
