Accredited Courses
As well as delivering training programs accredited externally where national or international standards have been established - e.g. International Association of Yoga Therapists, Kundalini Research Institute or Yoga Alliance - i-SKY also support the development of short training programs in specific areas of expertise where such standards have yet to be set - e.g. Business Yoga.
Over the decades that we have been teaching and training we have encouraged students to develop their own areas of expertise. Sometimes this experience can be usefully crystalised as a short training program which may be shared for the benefit of others.
Typically the programs we accredit derive from an original course manual; are 50/60 hours long; with an assessment to confer competence in a specific teaching or training skill set and are eligible for practitioner insurance in the UK (insurance requirements will vary from country to country).
If you have developed your own specialism and would like to discuss its development for the benefit of others please contact us.
Accredited courses currently offered