The i-SKY Team
Our ever expanding team covers many skill areas and individuals may appear in more than one; clicking the links below will display information about all the team members currently in that category.
Aides: Volunteers who assist us in every imaginable special way
Interns: Assist on our training programs
Owners: Host and co-own one or more programs with i-SKY Training Ltd
Affiliate Owners: Own one or more programs accredited through i-SKY Training Ltd.
Administrators: Organise one or more programs with i-SKY Training Ltd.
Trainers: Deliver the i-SKY programs.
There are three categories of Trainer:
- Associate Trainers: Can deliver specific parts of a program
- Professional Trainers: Can deliver any part of a program
- Lead Trainers: Can supervise a team to deliver a program.
Mentoring Lead Trainers: Oversee the progression of Trainers
Guides: Support the process of spiritual guidance
Staff: Employed workers