

Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • Times they are a-changing

    Old ways of doing things may not be what is required now.  We are being requested to follow life's lead and within current circumstances test out what we think is needed next, as we try the next chapter within our life out,  If there is a genuine take up as a result of what we offer then it is our next step, if not as an ultimate destination at least as a next step. If what we anticipate does not work out we go back to the drawing board.  What is certain is that we will no longer be doing what we have always done.  That too easily becomes an addictive habit and if  we insist on continuing in … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • End of an Era

    End of an Era (September 2013)

    Hello All,

    This is the final newsletter from the past era that is being sent to you today. The intention is to unite and honour the past and to acknowledge the completion of a life chapter.  Finally enabling us to surrender in trust to what the future is to hold for each one of us as we birth another stage. Each and all now as ready as we can be to meet the unknown, as it is about to make its entry into our space.  Finally the time for us to centre ourselves right here and now on this the completion of this years harvest, the Autumn equinox.

    On this occasion … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.