Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.
Transition involves ending the old chapter graciously even if we feel there is more that could have been done, it is the time to let go. There follows a gap when not much seems to be happening, it is important that we live simply and are practical rather than projecting our opinions onto others, who have their own agendas and who do not deserve to be loaded with that of other peoples as well. A time when we need to be open to doing things a different way under different circumstances. Not that we have much choice! More pleasant for all if we don’t give way to major tantrums. As we come towards the Spring equinox we balance the books and use what has been learned as the foundation from which to move onwards once more. We have already had the first day of Spring here in the UK although it seems more like the depths of winter still!
Within the murk we start to create our new world, that in turn is mirrored by communities even countries. If we are bold we love as best we are able, and in holding this vibration we heal the disdain we may have experienced as we observed others who desired change but did not appear to be working on themselves that hard! We begin to journey into our next phase like it or not. We are observing governments and businesses and amplifying the direction of Love’s flow into future form. If we don’t fall into the trap of judgement we can ride the wave from past to future. We are contribute and take the reins of the course of humanity, for we are contributing to being a cooperative and positive trigger, as we empower change in the direction of love and care. We are looking deep within at residual resentment, fear, anger or pain. As we let it go and nurture transformation wisdom we’ve gained as have others as we cultivate and feed the future.
Love is always a choice. It is the catalyst that determines the next creation’s forming. It can never force anyone, for love is a vehicle of empowerment that we must choose freely and unselfishly. If we pick love we will find we are embraced even when experiencing a moment of anger or sorrow. Love is in service to us, for we’ve chosen to direct form (this includes momentary lapses). As we forgive, we offer new growth of Love. As we learn to hold healthy boundaries, we offer new strength to our ability to give and receive Love. We are Love’s vehicle of flow. We learn to flow love into all human experience, be it challenge or triumph. Compassion gives freely but also receives, we give first because we decide we don’t want to hate or to criticise anymore. Whether we receive or not at that stage is a theory and it really doesn’t matter in the overall scheme of things. If we are lucky and receive then we learn to be gracious and grateful rather than argumentative.
We choose what we fertilise but we need to fertilise the ground to dream our dreams and inspire ourselves, so we find the courage to take risks and open to new possibilities as we shake off the sluggish and unmotivated remnants of winter. Be aware of waking and sleeping dreams as well as inner prompts so we can follow signs. It’s a time to ‘weed’ as we comprehend whether that involves people who are growing at a different rate to ourselves, not right or wrong just different. Or perhaps we need to pay attention to our health; a change of focus of work issues so we can stand in our power no longer bound up in things that have held us back. It is important to align with ‘now’ time letting the past and the future go, that allows us to make the space we need for everyone to move on. We to easily fall into making decisions as to what we think may ‘be perfect’ both for ourselves and for others. Time to get off the case and be gentle as well as patient. Be aware of feelings of irritation or annoyance that have surrounded or invaded our space and insist on calming down within and seek harmony until these feeling pass away as they will if they are not fed energy.
Suggested self check:
1. Being practical enables what is possible. Are you aware of what creative action is beginning to happen? Think out of your box and look for the feel good factor, what is it?
2. Is your heart calm and peaceful? When your heart is quiet you know what to do next regardless of any wild impulses your head or ego project. Be aware as you go about your day so you pick up clues.
3. Are you willing to open up opportunities and work with the unexpected? Do you jump into the unexpected or run away from it, are you waiting in the space ‘nicely’ until you understand what is required?
4. Are you observing personal and collective beliefs that no longer serve you? Do you dare to tell your updated truth and dare to be different or unconventional?
5. Are you standing up for what you believe in now? Can you rock the boat if need be, perhaps ‘bend’ rules that no longer serve? Have you taken an inventory of our connections of late? If we feel genuine compassion? Do you align with the good and true?