What Constitutes HELP ?
Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.
We cannot ‘change’ a situation that is not to our liking because in truth we do not know what is required. Nor can we ‘fix’ someone for their path is not ours. We can’t protect those we care for, nor can we rescue them from living their path in life. We can support and encourage but we need to be sensitive and do so without invading their space or being intrusive. If we assume we know the current situation and try to take control we belittle, even when we do not intend to do so. If we try to ‘take over’ we can seem to disempower and so negate the efforts of those we care for. What a minefield!
This time of year can appear to restrict us. If we try to expand our minds and increase our knowledge this is a good time to do something new. Look around and see what is available locally so as to pursue interests, hobbies and talents that have been suppressed or forgotten about. It may stimulate a re-emerge now, so be alert to things that catch your interest. Be courageous and follow your passion. Deliverance is the gift of the liver, the organ that filters out the toxicity and rids the body of excess. We can use the energy to filter out the toxicity in our life that is no longer serving us on the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical levels.
Before we ‘help’ another we set the example ourselves as best we are able. When we remain clear and focused within, regardless of what is happening out in the external world, we can overcome any doubt or sense of failure that may try to consume us. This allows the magic of life to pull us through the darkness.
We’ve just experienced Epiphany when there wise men deliver gifts to the new born, the difference this year is that three wise women follow them to show people how to implement these gifts. So all of us have been trying to reconcile the sacred union within us. When we live life as an adventure we free our minds from the fear that creates barriers and restricts us. If life has been challenging and difficult, we put out the intention to experience a positive adventure. To do this we must explore our Inner Power and this is where we may need to experience the wisdom of those with a proved track record. But are we willing to accept their lead?
We have been fuelled by fire energy which brings out our assertiveness, this promotes and enables us to recognise our inner leadership qualities and to make a stand for ourselves. If we seek and accept direction It helps us get in touch with our inner burning desires. it also gives us the strength to disengage from any disempowering situation or relationship we are in, and may even be the final nudge you need to break free. We will need to do this if we are to experience new beginnings
To help us with this process, we are more able to see how the cycles of life are flowing, and are always in a process of beginning and ending. Stop fighting life and instead find acceptance that everything is happening is perfectly formulated. The sequence is re-visit past, be it places and situations to filter them and let go of what is no longer required; then we experience a void when nothing seems to be happening; then finally we are gradually able to follow the clues as to what comes next.
We don’t need to burn our bridges we just keep in touch with what is possible and recognise what is no longer appropriate. We may feel disappointed that our beliefs and projections of others is not being fulfilled. But rather than blame the other person, recognise that it may well be our expectations that may have been too high and they were just being themselves for as we have changed and moved on so have they.
Wise Women Also Came
by Jan L Richardson.
Wise women also came.
The fire burned
in their wombs
long before they saw
the flaming star
in the sky.
They walked in shadows,
trusting the path
would open
under the light of the moon.
Wise women also came,
seeking no directions,
no permission
from any king.
They came
by their own authority,
their own desire,
their own longing.
They came in quiet,
spreading no rumours,
sparking no fears
to lead
to innocents’ slaughter,
to their sister Rachel’s
inconsolable lamentations.
Wise women also came,
and they brought
useful gifts:
water for labor’s washing,
fire for warm illumination,
a blanket for swaddling.
Wise women also came,
at least three of them,
holding Mary in the labor,
crying out with her
in the birth pangs,
breathing ancient blessings
into her ear.
Wise women also came,
and they went,
as wise women always do,
home a different way.
Suggested self check
1. Are your ‘needs’ the same as they used to be? What modification is required.
2. How can you respond in an updated and gracious manner?
3. Do you feel inwardly free and focused?
4. Can you rearrange to enable release of anything more to make your life easier?
5. Where are you within the sequence of letting go, being in a void space, and having the willingness to follow obvious clues while letting the mystery of solving everything go for now?