Growing up and moving on!
Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.
Are you an old soul? If you are you have probably come to the understanding that you don’t know as much as you once thought you did! The changes we are going through now are NOT repeated history. We personally, and also all in the planetary sense where things are happening in ways that have never been experienced before.
It is time for us to pay attention if we are to gain the peace of purpose. What do we choose to condone, what and who do we want to support? How can we involve ourselves from now on? The newly activated potentials are beginning to show up in the physical worlds. It takes courage to feed what we consider good and true. It also takes courage to walk away, preferably without comment from those things, people or environments that appear toxic to us. We cannot save the world as we don’t know what is required for it! We can be very practical and use our skills to the benefit of others if we are called to do so. We should not criticise others unless we know what we are talking about.
If we are patient life will show us what is ending and no longer practical for us to involve ourselves within. Then, if we pay attention we will be shown a revised path that we are being advised to take as we shift into an updated form of unity. As one area compresses itself so another expands. True for time and for spaces. New seeds have been sown and it requires we revise and change our responses to those change. We don’t tell the Invisible Worlds how it should be (although we may have had a very good try on occasion!) As the new begins to emerge all we can do is to be as good humoured as we are able. So we begin to see where we fit in now (if at all). Important to listen to what is said to us until we know the way we should go.
Time to reflect rather than to react, respond not defend one is interactive the other is ego. We need to bring gifts into important relationships and let past expectations we may have placed on others go once and for all. Self enquiry rather than our judgements may be uncomfortable at times but it is an essential practice now. It is a part of ‘growing up’.
As many of you will be aware I have had a long and close association with Guru Dharam and Darryl O’Keeffe who started i-Sky International 21 years ago. We had all been friends for many years before that. Having observed each others progress, them with i-Sky and me with Second Aid we decided to work with each other as we all had the same intention although our presentations differed, not better or worse one with one another as we were not competing for custom. We were aiming to compliment and give more comprehensive mix and match service to others.
Why did we do it? We all had responses that accommodated and we had a track record individually that was proven to serve many, giving trust and respect one for another. It was time! Now our work association is 21 and we hope it has given those who came across one, two or all of us the key to many doors. There are many paths that lead to a town centre and we would like to hear about yours if you are willing to share it to encourage others. Especially so if what you got from us has contributed and you have taken it in a direction of your choosing. One of the things I love about my grown children is that they all work in completely different areas and carry the ‘otherness’ with them.
As a part of entrusting the baton of living to the upcoming adults we pay tribute to those who have grown and flourished in their own right. We are compiling a video diary of those who want to share their learning and subsequent knowledge to others as a form of encouragement and support. This can be done by sending a video clip regards what you are up to now to admin@i-sky.net or telephone the office on 01635 523900 to be added to a list when a friend and colleague may choose to interview you.
Suggested self check:
Are you able to surrender your past activities, pass the baton on and await what is suggested next?
Do you trust yourself not to interfere with those who take over what you are leaving off?
Will you only offer advice if you are asked for it?
Do you talk with colleagues openly to compare notes and to ask how they perceive your revised role developing?
Are you prepared to hear they may not see a role for you, or they may suggest you take a different route altogether or inform you that they are.
Are you flexible, test your body even if it creaks and protests a little it is an indicator of your mind. Flow gently, no staccato moves, try observing if one side of the body is stiffer than the other. , then stretch is high as is comfortable and bend in the same manner.
State your willingness to surrender to what is required next, let go of pre-conceptions and misconceptions and allow all to become new.