


Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

We have been examining opposites which can lead us to improve our life definition through the dissolution of aspects that are redundant to us now. The opposites can work together and it makes for some interesting times, as we discover the common-ground between the extremes of form and formlessness. We go to each of our polarities to look at how each polarity has  affected us then we attempt to re-centre to enable us to  transcend old patterns and establish new parameters for ourselves.    We may appreciate certainty and form, routine, responsibility and identity.  If so we are asked to loosen our grip and see what happens when we soften around the edges and allow a little more uncertainty as we allow a dash of doubt to come into our space. 
We begin to wonder whether things are not as black and white as when they  first appeared in our consciousness.   What if everything we believe is only a half truth and another opposite viewpoint could be equally true? We begin to releases judgement and duality, and so dissolve our polarized world. We start to release our rigid opinion as to what is right or wrong, so we surrender blame and the guilt trips that we had extended toward others. We learn to simply reach out with compassion and love, experiencing all things as they are, whether they are our opinions or those of others. We are reminded that we are intricately and unavoidably connected with everything and everyone, whether we like it or not, as we pose the question where am I now?  Only then can we decide what do we intend to do about it.
During the past weeks we may have met challenges from others and have had to decide whether the challenge was justified or whether it was a projection.  In other words others may have avoided finding a self analysis that was difficult for them so they judged another as wanting instead.  Hopefully in a passive rather than a hostile examination. We have to decide whether to respond with our own truth or whether to keep quiet.  None of us get put into a position of care of others that we have not earned the right to. If others then choose to ‘rubbish’ us or try to usurp us we have to deal with it.  If we are unprepared or unable to respond then we will be hurt.  
People who are trying to progress always face the challenge of ambition where they feel it is unfair that others are in a position they might like to claim, as a result they feel victimized and may become a bully as a result.  Of course, they will project this and become disruptive and unpopular.  Others may seek power and without thinking of the effect on the wider group they constantly seek the ‘starring’ role usually without the experience or the proven track record required to do so.  This adversely affects all comers.  ‘The Management Upstairs’ and the Earth will prevent them in favor of the interests of the collective.  The party seeking to star will know no bounds in their frustration that is until respect and humility replaces the arrogance within their space.  
A state of grace appears when we respond to a challenge with truth and detachment.  Recently I had cause to do this and a few days later got a charming email thanking me!  The person having overcome their anger at my candor when my having had the effrontery to speak frankly.  They later had seen the wisdom of what had been said they took responsibility so will potentially transcend their old patterns.  They are now on the next step of their journey, and I for one, wish them well.  This was a typical lower state (shadow) that is now converting to higher self experience (embracing the Light).  We can feel buffeted between physical, emotional and intellectual states as we face and embrace both polar opposites within us and observe it in others.  Only when we surrender the human will to follow the direction of the Greater will all states meet midway, which is then the license to take the next step.  A difficult state as we must embrace modesty and humility at a fundamental level - or not!  One way we transcend the old ways the other we re-experience old patterns with no-one to blame but ourselves.  
We are all deep into a Matrix of unaccountable probable outcomes.  And we are feeling all possibilities at once.  We have to stay very still and centre ourselves as best we are able.  At the same time as we extend acceptance which is unconditional love in action towards all just as they are.  All without judging, blaming or wanting to change anything,  when we are able to do this, there is no malice or enmity towards anyone or anything whether it sources from within the self or when it is connected to others. Hostility gives way to harmlessness through acceptance.  It is a high state of being and yet it is difficult to embrace.  As well as extending this courtesy to others, we as one of the others, learn to extend it to ourselves as well.  When able to do so we feel centered, confident and in balance.  Until we find genuine respect for those who have traversed the pathways before us and who then choose to have the commitment to demonstrate that way to others in spite of them being challenged as the result of doing we will not find much respect for ourselves. 
No wonder we have a problem with re-anchoring ourselves when it is the time to do so, keeping our balance under these circumstances is an art form!
Information taken from  Expanding Universe by John Seed
*  Remember that we’re standing on a planet that’s revolving at 900 miles an hour
*  It’s orbiting at 90 miles per second so it is said, round the Sun that’s the source of  all our power. 
* The Sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see are moving at a million miles a day, In an outer spiral arm at 40 thousand miles an hour In a Galaxy called the Milky Way.
* Our Galaxy contain a hundred billion stars it Is a hundred thousand light years side to side It bulges sixteen thousand light years thick by us it’s just three thousand light years wide.
* We’re thirty thousand years from Galactic centre point which we go round every two hundred million years and this Galaxy is only one of millions and billions In this amazing and expanding Universe
  • So remember when you’re feeling very small and insecure how amazingly unlikely is your birth and sink your roots deep into the Galaxy as you dance your Life for planet Earth
Take a look at our first go at  https://youtu.be/86SD35oOuCk and let us know what you think about it!

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