


Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

It has been feeling as if we have had one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake for a while now.  Many have been feeling somewhat impatient alternating with decisiveness and inertia as we’ve tried to make up our minds what we are doing.  Quick action vying with fear of making a mistake leading us to frustration, irritability as we try to create updated disciplines yet desiring to be of service to the Greater Good.  Now is the time to trust our instincts and to act on them.  If we have the will, courage and willingness to follow our true path great things are possible now.  But problems occur if we disconnect from our true self in the mistaken belief we must sacrifice ourself in service to another.  We need to check in with what our intentions are now to ensure we are acting from purity and higher awareness and not from old habits.   If we don’t we are either feeble or cowardly or behave in an overdone style acting like a tyrant.  Time to free ourselves and wish the same for all others. We need intelligence and skill to enable us to adjust and navigate this passage.

The eclipse that is occurring at the weekend relates to consequences and the fruit of our karma that will shape our destiny for the coming times.  We are always creating something based on our will and intention so we need to choose wisely.  Time to live now and to project a constructive future and leave the past in the past.  If we look back we will crystalize or be crystalized.  Watch our for ‘out of the blue’ occurrences and follow up on clues that present, be aware as to what is happening, who we talk to and what is said.  These revolutionary energies need tempering of course so we no not under any circumstances tread on anyone else’s toes, more we concentrate on our individuality and our expression otherwise we too easily trespass on the space of another.  We don’t want to cause repercussions of the past we want to enable a transition into the future for all.

Ask to be led but at the same time write a ‘shopping list’ as to what you think you need in your future chapter, then surrender and let the Management Upstairs set their standards as the Earth Mother gifts the clues as to how they are to be organized only then can the new administration enter in.

The impulses being experienced are awakening a new wave of human consciousness along with a potent urge for freedom from the past.  We must find our unique individual forces, then we magnetically attract others of our ilk.  April 14 is the first major spiritual festival of the new cycle, this year we have a total eclipse closely followed by a Grand Cross, a rare event. We are setting a theme for the first of three spiritual festivals Easter which not only set the theme for the year, but this year we are also start a new spiritual cycle.  Many have experienced a vacuum sometime accompanied by a mild preparatory depression, as the old forms of expression dies and the new one has yet to be discovered.   Being patient and keeping courage are keynotes.  Post April 22 we should have an increased understanding where we are being led. 

As we let go of the past we wait while the essence of what we need from our learning to date is extracted and all else is removed,  as well we get ‘real’ rather than idealistic as to our next possible steps, our skills being limitless and limited.  The clues are beginning to emerge and when enough of them present we will solve our mystery.  The Management Upstairs are waiting for us to identify what we think we can contribute as well dumping the (sometimes painful) learning that enabled us to hone our pathway.  If we succeed we potentially releasing more ancient gifts from our past into our space of waiting.  We literally wait on the will of God.  It is no good trying to take the kingdom of Heaven by storm, quiet reverence and respect and honor for all are keys to open the next door.  Imagine climbing a steep hill and coming across an extensive wall blocking your way yet there is a door, open it and firmly shut it again having walked through it.  Then sit down enjoy the view as you familiarize yourself.  We will be shown where we are required to be, be certain in the knowledge our escort will show up and invite us for a briefing.

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