Tel Aviv
Module 1 December 2013
Module 1 Overview:
An overview of the connection between the 3 primary theoretical bases of the course: Ayurveda, Oriental Medicine and Kundalini Yoga.
Law of Polarity
Energetic Anatomy and Physiology
Projection and Receptivity (avoiding burnout)
Energy Maps
Emotions and the Psychology of Organs
Acupressure/ Marma points
Hands on/off energy healing
Module 3 overview:
The Brain: an energetic perspective.
Approaches to the Mind
ADHD, Depression, Chronic Pain, Migraine, Insomnia
Energetic Healing Development, Shunia
Life Transitions,
Medicine Journey
Revise and apply Modules 1, 2 and 3 material to case histories and patients.
Recommended reading:
The Kundalini Yoga Experience GDS Khalsa and D O'Keeffe
Second Aid Judy Fraser
The Anonymous Mystic Judy Fraser
Meditation as Medicine Dr Dharma Khalsa
Chinese Medicine; the Web that has no Weaver Ted Kaptchuk
Introduction to Ayurveda. Dr Vasant Ladd
The Ancient Art of Self Healing Yogi Bhajan
(All other books by Yogi Bhajan are also recommended)