

Frenetic or free?

Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

Frenetic energy is ungrounded, chaotic and unfocused. Frenetic energy can pull us off balance and will subsequently enable re-focus if we allow it to enter into our consciousness. Have you ever been around someone who is in a chaotic state? It is easy to feel drained afterwards when we are. Few are an example of calm in the midst of chaos. These people are able to maintain a detached and focused state in order to help those that are in a dramatic situation and unable to help themselves at that time. If they allow the frenetic energy to pull them off balance, there is no one that can help the situation.

So whether it is us pulling ourself off balance or someone else’s frenetic energy pulling at us, we work to maintain or regain our detached focus and find our balance, then keep it at all times and in all situations. Maybe it is frenetic worry; avoidance until deadlines are met; or just a vague sense of uneasiness.  We may try to find some relief, but if we stick with all we are experiencing it will lead to the next path we need to walk along.

We’re working to be set free! Well, that’s not the way of it always, is it? It is not because governments are evil, but because our freedom is within us and our work is to cultivate it. We can set ourself free! That is good news! Not always easy though, so we need to have hope and carry on even when influenced by powers beyond our remit to influence! It does get easier with identification and practice!

Freedom denotes an unconditionality, yet we live in a conditional reality. So we are not free to do anything we want, whenever, wherever.  We can be free within ourself to feel, perceive and choose how we interact with life. The unconditionality of freedom resides in the subtle realms of our inner world. With that, our experience becomes one of freedom and we find our circumstances beginning to match it. It is a shift in perspective first, then a shift in feeling, then a shift in experience. 

It is uncanny how experiences that felt so restrictive can change, and it is the magical, peaceful and Loving ‘reward’ we spoke about earlier. But it isn’t a system of punishment and reward, it’s a system of creation. Create our inner world and our outer world begins to match it. Patience and trust are important because we have a time lag between inner desire and manifestation. Are we creating or reacting? The difference is in how we view it. Creating begins with our vision.  With reacting, our vision is not leading our experience. Do we see new opportunity and potential for improvement in our experiences? If so, we are free within, our vision is not limited by our circumstances.  We are the grace filled swan swimming the water with hardly a ripple in its wake.

Freedom is the ability to deal with the conditions of reality with more peace, more acceptance, more interest, and more choice. It doesn’t feel like, ‘I hate this experience, I want another one!’ It feels like ‘This is interesting, it has transpired from past information, now I prefer…’  That is the peace that encompasses all understanding.  We understand the current circumstance is undesirable, but we also understand the future is malleable to our focus. In this way, we don't have as much resistance to the present moment because it is just a manifestation from the past calling us to new choices for the future. 

We have to be honest with our emotional flow, because if we’re having an experience we hate, it's healthier to actually heal it rather than to stuff it deep within. We allow ourself to hate it until we release and transform the fire energy into the passion to create something new.  That is the positive potential within. Any anger, frustration, rage, or similar pain can transform into the passion to create. We just need to see that potential and focus it into form  That is the positive of the negative – everything has two energies in a world of duality conditions.  We merge with them and then move past them when we connect the two through experience.  Freedom! We know we could have an undesirable experience and create from it.  

Freedom is an internal experience of being well with our experiences while maintaining an open energy field that is well-connected to our subtle self.   When we are feeling free within, we are interacting with others and with life from a balanced, peaceful, empowered state. It changes our work environment, it changes our home environment, it changes any environment we are in. It’s actually all about us feeling better, and as we feel better we impact life with that vibration.

Earlier this month we had a Blue moon which is a relatively rare occurrence when we have two full moons within one month.  This helps is to think ‘outside the box’ and see the world from new perspectives.  We’ve spend a lot of time cleansing and clearing the past now is the time to finally let go and be open to receive new ideas and visions.  Let’s move beyond limitation as best we are able, redefine boundaries and set new goals.  We are either a part of a problem or a part of an updating solution.   As we move beyond duality into integrity and union of all disparate parts that were once within us requires us. Then we begin to move beyond fear and have the courage to be exactly who and what we are now, letting go of what we once were.  Nations, communities, families and each one of us even the Earth Mother is rearranging the foundation from which it operates.  

We anchor or re-anchor where we are now, as we do that we are able to reach and be reached from a higher place. Until then we work the side extremes back towards a centre together our heart mind and body is cleansed, clear and free of old pain. Then we create some joy filled goals. And we are no longer the people we used to be. 

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