


Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

‘A declaration of love’… There are many things that could be said about this phrase. Humans are so used to declaring their love, without being aware that when they do so there is an element of self-interest and selfishness that creeps in. They want to attract someone, and they write or speak to the person as poetically as they can, choosing the right gestures, words and tone of voice, in the hope that the person they have chosen will be touched, charmed and delighted and will eventually be won over. And from then on, their loved one must understand that they have been ‘reserved’ and that no one else really has the right to approach them any more. So what really drives humans is an instinct of possessiveness but, above all, a lack of faith in the power of love. Since they do not know the true love that works wonders, they rush to express it in other, concrete ways – in what they say and write, in the gestures they make – with the aim of imprisoning the one they love. And if they claim that it’s the strength of their feelings that makes them act in that way, they are then really admitting their own weakness. Those who truly love do not express it; it is not necessary, for the love is felt – it radiates out.
The only means of attracting love that we have the right to use is light – it is also the only truly effective one. Send gifts of spiritual light to the person you love and want to be loved by, surround them with colours, in the knowledge that light and colours are living entities. When their soul senses the presence of these benevolent entities, it will be grateful to you, and little by little it will open up to you.                     Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
This month we have needed to go into the darkness, get practical and do what needs to be done.   The power is within each one of us to be the change. We cannot change what is going on externally, but we can change ourselves. When we stop being victims, and know what we want to create instead, we become empowered and from that place we can find solutions to the challenges we face.  We have always been soul conscious and now whatever debris was in our way can potentially be released once and for all.  Lets find the solutions and the answers we seek The more we can let go of the past and what has happened, and turn our attention toward the future, the more positive, secure, and happier we feel. We all have to go through the storm and face tough and challenging situations in order to grow and evolve. Transformation can only happen in the flames of change.

If you have been feeling low and depressed  it is a part of a usual prelude to reigniting passion. We are healing and letting go of the past pains of learning so we can move forward and reach our full potentials..    We have all had to go through the storms as we faced tough and challenging situations in order to grow and evolve. Transformation can only happen in the flames of change.   As we come out of the vacuum of the past we are being released from a ‘done deal’ if we cooperate rather than obstruct so we can reignite our passion. It may be of use to describe the sequence.  If we want to raise a standard be it within ourself or in an upcoming group we are attached to, we run the gauntlet of cleansing both historical debris and the psychic prejudice.  We must listen and hear the invisible instruction and then have the courage to walk the walk, even if it is unpopular with others.  We must clear the debris of historical ignorance and cleanse any prejudice as we dig deep and gain momentum to fly higher.  Difficult enough as individuals but as collectives it is even harder as we can only move forward at the rate of the slowest member of our team.  Courage, humility and patience are required to move back behind any personal perspective so we root deeper to then potentially fly higher in service to the common good.  As we fly we must walk through the psychic debris in the departure lounge and get through onto our next ‘plane’ taking us to the new and the as yet unknown with little but trust in the Management Upstairs and the Earth Mother to guide us.  Only then do we know we have ironed out the bickering with colleagues to gain a common standard that will serve and service the coming phase.
Haile Selassie said:
“We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.”
This necessitates straddling multi cultures, ethics and morals until an updated co-census is established.  There is a lot of disturbance with throats, eyes,  people feeling a little dizzy and as if we are about to fall forward (we are into our future!) or feeling ‘spaced out’, right now as people try to find their new form of expression,the old one having become extinct, and the new one not fully in form as yet.  Stomachs have to ‘digest’ the experience and eliminate what is no longer relevant to them.  We live in a holographic universe so as the overlay changes with freak weather changing landscapes on the Earth, regardless of if it is huge or minute it all creates a need to find updated balance. If we have chosen to evolve then standards and ethics change to accommodate what is needed next. New opportunities come our way some we reject and some we accept.  In this way we find our new anchor point where we can contribute to the greater good of all.  We look and look and then suddenly it presents, not always easily but if we align and ask both the Management Upstairs and the Earth Mother to show us what is required next it arrives in our space.  Only then do we find our next placement as we begin to understand what has been going on.
All will be served even if we can't see how!  The new energetic will be understood as we discuss and compare notes with colleagues.  No hostility, personal ambition or competitive approaches must be taken along.  Then emotions must be freed and cleared so there is an attitude of willingness and good humour by all.   To be apprehensive is natural it allows us to proceed with caution so we and everyone around us gets used to the idea and what it means to each and all of our new team.   That new team may include those we have worked with before or not,  but the form that the new work takes may change its form.  Exciting times as we head towards the Autumn equinox and the harvest of work done to date.

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