

Online One to One consultations and support calls PCC & PSG

One To One online calls with Guru Dharam or Darryl may be booked using the drop down box below.  

PSG information can be found here


PCC Post Course online Calls

We expect our students to find their course to be a transformational process and that the support and connection with their peer group will be an integral part of "keeping up".

Past students have found it particularly challenging to keep up after the end of the course - as the transition from student to teacher (and perhaps from old to new you) is completed without that reassuring and recurring monthly group space in which to share and be supported.

The Post Course Call is an online "diary session" checking in with your group shortly after the final weekend of the course (usually about a month later) facilitated by Darryl or one of the senior course trainers using Skype/Zoom or similar - you will be advised of the group call address by email after booking.

The first PCC group call is usually included as part of your course (i.e. you have already paid for it). Subsequent (ongoing) calls can be booked (and paid for) from this page (the payment option will only show for currently ongoing group calls).

A series of calls can continue collectively (or individually) for as long as required.

The ongoing costs are currently £6 per group call and the duration of the call will vary from 30-75mins dependent upon the size of the group - minimum 4 and maximum 10 people.


Group PCC online Calls (ongoing)

Group PSG online calls (see more information here)

Cost per person £9 (approx)

Duration of the call depends on the number of participants (e.g. 4 people 30min - 10 people 60min)


Individual online Support Calls (with Darryl)

25 mins £25


Individual online Consultations (with Guru Dharam)

Please review the current options and book HERE


Please select from the options below to book and pay.

Please ensure you choose the correct PCC group below if more than one is listed.

PSG groups will only appear in the drop down when there are spaces in a newly forming group - please contact us if you would like to initiate a new group request

Your booking will be confirmed by email.


£6 - K1 UK Ufton Court January 2018-19 PCC Group Post Course Call 60 min

Price: £25 - - Individual Support/Guidance. One to One 30 min call with Darryl (time to be mutually agreed by email).

Other events tagged: Consultations, guru Dharam, Darryl