i-SKY "KNOWGA" Update
September 2023
Our last "interim" update was shared back in 2021 - although we appreciated hearing and seeing many of you since then at the online Zoom gathering in April 2022. Subsequently, Darryl, Guru Dharam and Livtar Llyn have continued to meet monthly and chat about i-SKY in a general "paused project" kind of way. We were not paused by our intention but because we were unable to resume "business as usual" after the Covid break - and then by seeing many people we had worked with questioning their own practice in the light of the Yogi Bhajan abuse scandal that continues to divide the 3HO community.
One theme of our discussions has been how to proceed (if at all) in a time of increasing worldwide polarity without taking, or appearing to take, sides. Another has been how to honour and support all those who have worked with us over the years, when they may now perceive fundamental differences between each other in their approach to a shared practice - such as Kundalini Yoga.
Our answer emerged after last year’s online gathering and we would now like to share it with you - by way of another such gathering.
We are calling this KNOWGA: KundaliniNOWGAthering. We will be sharing a new manner of delivering “transformational experience” – just as we have always done but now in a less constraining and a more comprehensive, inclusive and safe structure.
We hope you may be able to join us live online on Zoom on the morning of Saturday 23 September 09:30 – 13:30 (UK Time). The gathering will be recorded for subsequent viewing by those unable to attend in person. The event is entirely free of charge but registration (by email only) is required both to attend live and/or to view the recording subsequently. See the link below
an online i-SKY gathering (free and open to all - please share this invite with any whom you consider would wish to gather with or within i-SKY)
Saturday 23rd September 2023
09:30 – 13:30 on Zoom
09:30 Kriya to Know Guru Dharam
10:30 Meditation to Gather Livtar Llyn
11:00 KNOWGA - i-SKY orientation Darryl
12:00 Breakout chat rooms All
13:00 Meditation for the Month Guru Dharam
13:30 Formal Close (optionally followed by ongoing informal chat over lunch - bring your own)
Chat room discussion to include:
Working with and/or within i-SKY
Holding the Space: Gathering and/or Teaching
Creating your own specialist content
Knowga Yoga (Yoga/Healing/Shamanic Practice)
Please register by email using this link
GATHERING 23 September 2023
and you will be sent the Zoom link after 18th September 2023.
Please note registration is by email (not by social media) and all confirmations (and the Zoom link) will be sent by email from admin@i-sky.net
We look forward to seeing you soon.
With Love and Light
Guru Dharam, Livtar & Darryl
a 2 hour ONLINE masterclass with Guru Dharam (6-8pm UK time) £15
Book Light of Kundalini
View other Guru Dharam Services
a 2 hour ONLINE masterclass with Guru Dharam (10am-12pm New York EST time) $19-29
Book Kundalini Cave Practice

New Album from Kamari & Manvir
Free Taster Track Free Download or taste all the Samples yourself
PREM KUNDALINI YOGA INSTRUCTOR TRAINING 2023/24 begins in Devon, UK. KRI Level 1 Kundalini Yoga 220+hr Foundation course with a diverse team including Guru Dharam & Darryl .
20-22 October 2023 More information and to BOOK
with Guru Dharam in Champéry, Switzerland
10-12 November 2023. More information and to BOOK
Winter Solstice Retreat in Cozumel, Mexico with Guru Dharam & Siri Sat
16-22 December 2023 More information and to BOOK
MARCH 2024:
KNOWGA an introductory evening Gathering
15 March 2024
KNOWGA Facilitator Training (200+hours) begins ONLINE
with Guru Dharam, Livtar Llyn & Darryl
16-17 April 2024
Request KNOWGA information
APRIL 2024:
Immersion in Lucid Light & Sacred Sound in India with Guru Dharam & Siri Sat
5-15/18 April 2024
More information and to BOOK

The purpose of these occasional updates is, of course, to let people know what is going on in and around i-SKY.net and KundaliniMedicine.com
i-SKY is not an organisation it is an attitude, which individuals choose to associate themselves with (or not). The yogi sits at the confluence of divergent viewpoints aware of each and attached to none. This does not mean s/he is indifferent; the yogi lights the way, s/he is a pathfinder, sitting at the point from which unified action can commence (or not).
The words below embody the i-SKY philosophy; they do not belong to us; they found us and we are enriched by sharing them with you:
I would not interfere with any creed of yours,
nor want to appear that I have all the cures.
There is so much to know.
So many things are true,
the way my feet must go may not be best for you.
And so I give this spark of what is light to me,
to guide you through the dark,
but not to tell you what to see.
It would not be an i-SKY update without a little timeless wisdom from "A Short Guide to Self Awareness" - on this occasion addressing BurnOut and Balance - which seems to be a never ending lesson...

How can we know light without darkness? How can we experience balance without having experienced imbalance? Often it seems that experiencing the negative side or polar opposite of our goal helps us measure our progress. We can’t cop out of life and so must accept that we will experience the extremes in many situations until we come to a point of integration and reconciliation. Balance is not an outside thing; it comes from inside and means that you can face all of life with the sense of inner balance. You become a sort of mental juggler or acrobat; you see how well you can do without falling. And if you fall or lose your balance, you pick yourself up and try again . . . after all, you’ve only fallen onto the trampoline, and so you can bounce back.
The ironic thing about inner growth is that it seems to create imbalance. When you’re out there living life, making yourself vulnerable, perhaps, by taking chances, expressing, communicating, trying out new ideas and activities, you are more likely to be subject to radical swings. It is another one of those “snake-eating-its-tail” symbols. By seeking growth and not hiding in the superficial comfort of your routine or habits, you open yourself up to situations where swings, shifts and sometimes catastrophes will occur. But at least you’re giving life a chance and living it fully.
In our enthusiasm we must also beware of becoming slaves to our ideals. There is no need to exhaust ourselves while trying to glimpse both ends of a given spectrum. We needn’t run to both ends to get an informed overview. But we do require the overview to make aware choices. A broader understanding allows us to perceive the invisible behind the seen, the sound behind the words, the shape and shadow behind touch, the thought behind the description.
We must also be aware of burnout, a modern-day syndrome where, with so much to do and learn in this age of specialisation, it is easy to be open to everything until we suffer from overload. We may recognise the merit of many activities or ways of living but that does not necessarily mean that we have to try them all. We must achieve a sense of balance in all respects, achieving what we set out to do day by day, week by week, month by month. We must also seek to create the balance in helping others as well as taking care of ourselves, learning to fulfil our obligations as well as taking on new tasks and interests. Both are necessary, and both are rewarding. It is simply a question of refinement and attunement, until we get the blend right. And we know when that is so, because we are rewarded with additional energy and inspiration when we thought we had exhausted it.
Finally, we see we are now at a point in our growth where we can make use of experience rather than be the hapless victim of it . . . and we can begin to think of using our experience to help others.
The time cycles are there to guide us and they do even before we realise; we know when to finish breathing in and thus reverse the flow and breathe out. We know when to stop looking outwards within our growth and so start to look in. Then we have a gap to facilitate going into reverse so to speak. So, we get a period when the light of new learning unites with it’s shadow side and is looked at from various different angles. We see this reflected and duplicated by nature in the sun, moon, tides, etc. Once both are united, we release the need for fight and flight and achieve an embracing of both. That which was the ceiling then becomes the floor of the next phase and the foundation of the next building is laid.
However many holy words you read, however many you speak,
what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?
– The Dhammapada –
Extracted from a Short Guide to Self Awareness by Judy Fraser Click here to download a copy of A Short Guide to Self Awareness
Those of you wishing to read more about Judy - her life and her work outside of i-SKY - can find several books published by Landraagon - or enjoy the Spiritual Psychotherapy video chats Judy recorded with Ash.
Please visit i-SKY.net/events and KundaliniMedicine for the latest information.
MUSIC OFFER (without strings)...
Just click & claim Kamari&Manvir Discography
Kamari & Manvir gifted YOU (all their i-SKY friends and associates) the
Discography of their first 6 Albums = 50+ Tracks and all Artwork to download FREE - 10 Years of K&M's collaborations. Yours to use for Easy Listening
and, most beneficially, for Classes Online and Live Sessions on
FaceBook, YouTube etc. K&M are not using sync licensing for
distribution so their music can be used in your gatherings (or published in your videos without being removed).
