


Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

Oneness embraces all that is.  If we have been feeling isolated, rejected, abandoned and insecure then we have not let go of old experiences and old issues.  As a result we have a mis-aligned line of energy which is in need of repair or replacement prior to our ‘appliance’ or energy body being able to work effectively once more.  Old energy has us trying to  decide who we are now and as a result we often separate ourselves from others.  We get categorized and subsequently put in groups.  These groups are now being mixed up and  are changing form.  As we part from some,  and connect with others.  That is not ‘good’ or ‘bad’ it is just different and we must be flexible enough to free ourselves from the old and involve ourself where we are now.  We can’t support life unless we are in the here and now.
The ‘sentences’ being bandied about by others have shocked me for one.  Am I so naive and gullible?  Maybe so, especially when these opinions are being offered by people who have never even met the people concerned.  Do these people have special knowledge or proven expertise or are they just desperate to involve themselves?   This year is the United Nations Year of Light.  So we have been facing opposites and old darkness has surfaced.  It is vital we meditate, this eases tensions and reduces pressure as the transition occurs.  The opposite face of sorrow is joy, so unite with the Greater Good so as to achieve optimum alignment.  We have three nervous systems, aligning with three brains (or not!).  The reptile brain at the back of the neck holds ancient memory and connects or adapts our intellectual capacity and our speech as required.  The mammal/logical brain our yoga of living and vitality and our human/intuitive brain which houses our restlessness and the desire to move.  This part of us can be afraid of rejection from peers so we get held captive and feel impotent to implement the required change without being bossed about, bullied or punished for not meeting a.n.other’s requirement.  
Quite a feat to align all these don’t you think?  Add them to balancing extremes and creating a platform to enable us to move on from, as we mind our business rather than the business of others, it is no wonder we get pressured and tense within the moment on occasion.  
Earlier this month many took a step back to gain the momentum to take a big step forward.  We looked at historical ways of being and did any homework that was required prior to being able to free ourselves to reside within a higher perspective.  We can’t refuse to cooperate with life but we can free our minds to enable new solutions to come our way.  Our potential is limitless and yet the limits we place around us are often illusions.  So if we don’t like the story we are reading then put the book down and create another story.  Challenging - yes, but a lot better than boring ourselves.   We can make a difference, not only to ourselves but to all those who surround you.  Listen to the messages that come from within however unlikely they may appear to be, write them down and see if they make any sense if you modify or rearrange them a bit.  Express your willingness to move on and ask to be shown how, then take a walk, make a cup of tea and boundary your own space so it is a nice place to be.  When you get good at this then even disturbed people will not knock your equilibrium. 
While out of balance we can be indecisive and so we get in our own way, so we keep things simple and deal with the practical side of life.  If we don’t we scatter energy in our desire for something better.  Time to centre ourselves, to detach and to meditate as we decide what to pursue and what we need to let go of.  When we know rather than wonder what appeals to us now we have broken through old boundaries and we are ready for take off again.  To assist in this every time we look in a mirror, take a moment to look deep into our own eyes and remind ourself that our maker loved us enough to create us, do them the courtesy of expressing love for yourself.  If you do so then it is easy to pass that love on wherever you go and it begins to show within whatever we happen to be doing.  We are okay when we are prepared to know nothing for out of that space comes a new understanding of ourself which we can then pass onto others.  The REAL never dies, it supports the release of victimhood as we discover solutions that promote understanding rather than discord. 
So long as we are working on ourselves and with the MU and the Earth Mother’s help we are held secure.  Once we delude ourselves into thinking we know better we are in real trouble.  If the MU choose us to serve them and we spend all our time questioning the wisdom of their decision nothing gets done.  In the same way when the Earth Mother moves us into a position of rank expecting us to accept it and use it to the benefit of all we have to learn to deal with all comers.  You only need one ’power’ hungry person to sabotage or ridicule to put the whole group at risk.  If you’re lucky enough to be chosen, to play a part then you do so as responsibly, honestly and wisely as you are able to.  If you are not chosen yet then there is a reason for it. Go about your own business and allow others to mind theirs as you mind your own.  If our intention remains pure the results take care of themselves.  If the intention is tainted  then everyone suffers, if we are responsible for the outcome we are hardly likely to be issued a team to serve for some time to come!
On this blue moon let’s give and ask for blessings for all living beings.  And let’s be clear it is impossible to be at war if you only have one side .................